Once upon some time technical discoveries were magical those who mesmerized us. Gradually we became familiar with the technical wonders while they were integrated into a daily lives. 21st century has seen both the unprecedented development of instruments, especially the "Information Advent (IT)" and our dependence on the same. In the IT vintage, technology is making our lifetimes simpler by handling the delimas for us, up up to its unavailability or an interruption in the services that may provides could adversely affect almost everything from the businesses to our seven days a week lives.
It is an acknowledged fact that the tempo of technological changes can be an accelerated motion. This article enlists a portion of their important trends in the IT world that are already visible or are forecasted to be their way.
Human (inter)face for the technology
Technology penetration is going on fast from the business over the households to the personal lives of a persons. This irrevocable dependency of human being on the technology shows the most profound impact on the future of the discipline. Technology will be solving the human beings problems, business problems just being the main bigger picture.
1. Technology will become handy even for carrying out day to day activities ranging from office impact to opening a window (of your property of course)
2. User Experience facilitated after products, implementation of how females see at a problem partnered with technology as a motion for solving it, are the ones factor deciding what sells what not
3. People instead of the businesses will be the largest technology consumers and success for a new enterprise will hinge how well it taps into this consumer base
4. Cost of the failure for the technology will become unimaginable due to the direct impact over our lives, this will add a second dimension to the safeguards concerns for the sources developers
5. Boundary between the traditional and non-technical aspects of our time will fade away, everything contains a technical underpinning, explicit maybe implicit
6. Innovation (and and so the people- the knowledge workers) preserves the center stage
7. Transition from a nice to have feature to an implicit expectation is truly an accelerated by many folds
Social networking the web social animals
Statistics show that with the 7 billion people you can buy, over 1. 2 billion are Social network Users that comprises 82% for their online population. These figures are set to increase exponentially in the approaching future.
8. Companies has to remove constraints on the social technologies really do the boundaries among employees, companies, and customers will clouds, all will need to convey through the channel over the social network
9. Social Network Analysis (SNA) might be a prominent tool for the firms and will provide valuable input thus to strategy, marketing, customer segmentation, affiliate marketing etc.
10. Social Networking shows a platform for a not witnessed before collaboration among the experts for solving the problems rather than the boundaries of their organization
11. Taken the advantages of the Social Networks perhaps it is a challenge to accumulate the threat it poses all around the security and privacy, and technology has to handle this challenge
Big data growing bigger
According for estimate the Big Information is worth $100 billion business and is also also growing twice you'd like the software business overall.
12. More and earlier on new tools that support Big Data will come
13. Any number of the businesses in the demand for amassing and analyzing jobs of the data probably will rethink their data deficit strategy and approaches
14. Existing database management towers will either evolve to handle the big data or eventually fade away
Mobility on the move
As per an estimate greater than 75% population we know of do have got a mobile phone. Increasing computing power and decreasing hardware cost will ensure that very soon character on the globe have got a mobile phone and most of them migrate to smart phones plus they are connected.
15. Smart devices will become a bit of a magic wand that does not only keep us connected and also capturing and playing audio video contents but probably serve as a means of communication, handling professional work when cell, executing business applications, gps navigation, payment option, sensors, risk alert system, aid models, training tool... the list is virtually endless
16. There will manifest as a boom of the applications specializing in handheld devices
17. Enterprises has to make their applications hints and tips handheld devices partly or use the fully
18. There will a not witnessed before opportunity for a buyer developers for reaching out their customers with their own lookup (Google - Android App Store already in business and Microsoft launching Glass windows Store)
19. Different mobile development platform have got to consider standardization
Clouds and confuses everywhere
By 2012, 20% through the businesses will not are assets. - Gartner Data, 2010.
As this prediction is originating to fulfilled and click beyond that, cloud is seen as one of the topmost things that will alter the face of computing furthermore industry.
20. Online service offerings develop into lucrative and competitive
21. As the confidence will built in support of the cloud, decreasing cost of cloud based implementations (infrastructure or application platform or both) business shunning it (due to security and other reasons) will finally accommodate it
22. Cloud adaptation will force these items providers to find approaches to the challenges that cloud poses:
a. Concerns regarding security for the financial data and information
b. Locking their customers on proprietary technology platform
c. Difficult coexistence with the actual legacy and proprietary systems
Business models for the future to take shape
As the pace of change in the solution is turning the world topsy-turvy businesses can rethink their operations to penetrate alignment with those changes and harness the opportunities that. Business models that are based on the philosophy of "Win-Win" and agile enough will continue to exist.
23. There will be interest innovative business models the location where the customers and the service providers might be partners and have combined stakes at project success, new and innovative business models happens to be replacing the legacy possibilities fast
24. Legal aspects will move ever complicated and governments has to formulate laws for handling the new legal challenges
25. IT Budgets will find trimmed, especially in turbulent times without trimming within the SLAs (so the customers might want more services at a reduced cost)
26. Licensing models based on pay for use can aquire prominence
27. Multisided business models (where a small business is provided to A without charge but B is charged all around the advertising or trends clues etc. ) will choose to get momentum
28. Service providers may offer "Freemium model" where a profitable business is free for specified limit, a usages beyond since it charged
29. Businesses will scatter their foothold in unconventionally markets, multinationals reaching to cooking rural areas and smalltime business's getting global
30. Government accelerates usages of the IT it's public service delivery -- education, law, transportation, health care provider etc., once the public business systems are technology ask applications that integrate directly to them will have an impact
New SDLC Models to change existing ones
As an article that aptly "Agile is the actual waterfall", projects will struggle to wait for long delivering successful functionality or implementing a new experience.
31. Reduced time to support and intense competition will force adidas and puma to adjust their strategy more often than imagined. This will demand SDLC blenders deliver the working permutations fast. So the iterative venture development models will replace the standard waterfall models as well as variations. Architecture and development the famous people supporting small chunk deliveries will find prominence
32. Lesser time to be able to and faster releases may offer a competitive advantage
Architecture free of Architecture will get prominence
Factors rather Internet, Cloud Computing, Network Integration and Mobility Support etc. will make this diet regime architecture overly complicated. The architecture of the future will be architecture that's got no architecture- it can survive as its building blocks handle changing.
33. Obsession with technology will be diluted and business tickets etc. will take along with the stage in the Creation Architecture
34. Architecture will get only ever complex and distributed... not enough turning back
35. Changes will be ever faster in the business requirements, technology, interfaces, non functional requirements etc.
36. Essentials like inter-operatibiliy, platform leeway etc. will be implicit and consequently NFR (Non Functional Requirements) to more critical than ever
37. Architecture will have to keep on going as a elements of architecture of up to device to network, application UI to data source will change and companies still need changing
38. Applications will lack a principal control with the tha harsh truth architecture elements but still have to be accountable for their piece
39. Context sensitivity close to the pieces (is it a notepad or mobile handset? ) will be important
40. With diminishing maintenance time window and increasing number the particular interfaces and dependencies, long running batch process will need to be give way to asynchronous processes
41. Various business departments has to share their business and technology models to ready the consolidated picture
42. Trend might be a movement towards using stripes (that are tested, may become scaled, manage the a higher standard, serve the SLAs and consequently on) rather than developing custom made solutions
43. Senior technical representation is important prevalent in the higher management
Geography can be irrelevant
According to a 2011 study over 6 billion people do have access to the computers and roughly half of them get the Internet. Increasing power of the handheld devices we have advent of the mobile computing could increase these figures vastly.
44. Enterprises will bid a farewell to much of the applications that do not support Internet or always be made to interface for a web and most of them have got to support handheld devices (Mainframe based applications is actually definitely an exception, but they too are getting integrated using Web-services)
45. Global presence of the software program companies and spread of virtualization will enable organizations to generate global teams that should work in shifts having the difference over how the corporations are setup and tasks are managed
46. Most of the applications need to have inbuilt localization and globalization features consequently must
47. More and more applications shows "Geolocation" capability inbuilt (imagine browsing with regards to map that allows searching and drilling attributed to an address and filing via address instead of keying it and running shown validations)
48. More and more applications have got to be up 24X7, having little time window for the activities like maintenance or at least batch processes
Hardware and Network will dsicover loss of importance
As up to computing hardware is decreasing and their performance will go up, elements like hardware and network merely be the differentiator good reason that as everyone will be being able afford them at a low-cost price.
49. The value-add provided located on the application and services have got to meet all the expectations
50. Increasing popularity and capability of virtualization will ensure which is a consolidation in the terms of the hardware, software and data